Monday, March 26, 2007


NASA was getting ready to launch a very important space shuttle.The scientists and engineers checked and double-checked everything to make sure that things are fine.However, on the day of our launch, something seemed to be wrong. The rocket gave all sorts of noise but never took off even an inch from the ground.The engineers were puzzled because they could not figure out the problem.Finally,a Sardarji offered to help. They NASA people were desperate by that time and agreed to do anything."Tilt the rocket 45 degrees to the right,” said the Sardarji.The engineers were puzzled but did it anyway.“Bring it back to vertical position" the Sardarji said.The engineers did. "Now start the engines,” he said.To the engineers surprise, the rocket took off and flew into outer space!Everybody congratulated him and asked him how he knew what to do.He replied -"It is very simple. This is what we always do with our Bajaj scooters in India.”

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